Introducing the MXM600 Mission-Critical TETRA Mobile Radio
Motorola Solutions MXM600 TETRA mobile radio supports various installation options. It includes noise suppression technology, trained through AI machine-learning. It has Wi-Fi OTAP, Bluetooth® 5.2, and automated configuration to ease installation.
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Demo of DIMETRA Connect at CCW2024
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Demo Of DIMETRA Connect And MXP660 WHEN TETRA Signal is Lost
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DIMETRA Connect & MXP660: Use Case for Police
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Demo Of DIMETRA Connect And MXP660 During Weak TETRA Signal
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Play video Demo of MXP660 radio at CCW2024
Demo of MXP660 radio at CCW2024
Our TETRA expert shows The Critical Communications Review how our DIMETRA Connect-enabled MXP660 radio, keeps those on the front-line connected by seamlessly switching between TETRA and broadband.